The symposium “Inverse Problems: Methods, Applications & Synergies” IPMAS will be carried out from January 10th to 12th. The organization of this hybrid workshop is a joint effort of the Millennium Nucleus For Applied Control And Inverse Problems, ACIP, the Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM-U.
Maxi Orellana se adjudicó la Beca Olga Ulianova del Depto de Relaciones Internacionales e Intercambios de la Usach para realizar una pasantía de investigación en el Laboratorio de Neuroingeniería Traslacional del École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
The symposium “Inverse Problems: Methods, Applications & Synergies” IPMAS was carried out from January 12th to 14th. The organization of this hybrid workshop was a joint effort of the Millennium Nucleus For Applied Control And Inverse Problems, ACIP, the Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM-U.
El jueves 19 de agosto de 2021 es el lanzamiento de la Revista Cambalache Nº4, revista de divulgación científica dirigida a niñas y niños. Este número está dedicado al cerebro e incluye el artículo “Tecnología al Rescate de las Neuronas” de Leo y Bárbara Medina.
Los/as investigadores/as del Núcleo Milenio ACIP junto con investigadores y estudiantes de diversas instituciones nacionales e internacionales nos reunimos para discutir sobre problemas y desafíos en el modelado de la neuroestimulación.
We are analyzing computational models of nerve fibers to understand how they respond to high-frequency stimulation waveforms. Our goal is to use mathematical modeling and engineering techniques to improve existing models and contribute to the improvement of electrical neuromodulation therapies.
We are developing computational models of noninvasive electrical stimulation to design strategies that are able to reach spinal cord structures using surface electrodes. Modulating the activity of nerve fibers or neurons in the spine is being used for pain relief in people with chronic pain.